Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Statute of Liberty

I got into an argument recently on Rhode Island's Future, a blog that I often read, but don't often comment on because I end up getting into arguments with dogmatic idiots of all political types.  I'll refrain from naming the person I was arguing with because I'm not that tacky, but I will say that he's a self proclaimed libertarian who seems to comment on every single post made there.  Seriously, all of them, or close to it.  I'm not quite sure how he affords the free time it takes to be such a prolific writer there, but I digress.  In conversation with him, I found out he's part of something called "The Free State Project" (read:  cult of ridiculous puritans).  I'd never heard of this before.  Apparently it's a signed agreement by 20,000 such "liberty activists" to move to New Hampshire, the Texas of New England, where they will "exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property."  In other words, dodge taxes at all costs, and drive their uninsured cars and motorcycles around without helmets or seatbelts (because seatbelt laws are a hostile infringement on your right to eject yourself and your children through your windshield if you fucking feel like it!).

Seriously, is this what it's come to?  This is just about the most absurd thing that I've ever heard of.  Read through the website, particularly the list of 101 reasons to move to New Hampshire.   I suppose it only hurts the people involved since, hey, they're the ones that have to live up there.  Still, I can't help feeling incredulous.  I would comment further, but I would be up all night.  I'll leave that up to you guys.


  1. So if you're on RIFutureBlog you must have seen Susan Heroux's defense of the bigots. That was special. She and I had numerous email exchanges over that one with her resorting to the juvenile and ad hominem positions.

    Nice leadership qualities if you ask me.

  2. Reason 102 to move to New Hampshire: get away from angry people, like the one who made this blog post.

  3. Reason 103:

    To get away from people who think your whole project is utterly idiotic, and tell you to cry about it to someone who gives a shit.
